Compatibility is one the main concerns when buying construction adhesive or glue. There’s so many different ones out there, and for so many different uses, getting the right one might seem like an impossible task.
The problem with some glues or construction adhesives, (and what you’re trying to avoid) is that they do not have the right chemical makeup to stick properly to porous surfaces, which is the case of concrete, or stone. They’re either too low on viscosity, have a modulus rating that’s too high, not enough temperature resistance or even poor UV resistance.
At Rite Adhesives we recommend using construction adhesives like Ritetack Instant Grab Adhesive, which are MS Polymer adhesives or “Hybrid” adhesives, that combine the strength of polyurethanes with the weather resistance of silicones. We developed Ritetack with the intention of making it the strongest, most versatile construction adhesive in the market. And it worked.
On the other hand, it’s not just about which construction adhesive will stick to concrete. You also need to worry about if that glue is compatible with the surface you’re trying to bond to the concrete – whether it is glass, wood, or aluminum.
Ritetack is becoming more popular due to its solvent-free and isocyanate-free properties and this trend isn’t expected to change, due to its wide range of uses and versatile properties.
On the other hand, it’s not just about which construction adhesive will stick to concrete. You also need to worry about if that glue is compatible with the surface you’re trying to bond to the concrete – whether it is glass, wood, or aluminum.
A task that also suits Ritetack’s profile since it is virtually compatible with every surface, with the exception of PMMA acrylic and some plastics.
To answer the question “will construction adhesive stick to concrete?”, yes, it definitely will. It’s just about finding the appropriate one for your project, and we believe that Ritetack is your best choice.